Google Reviews

I have been on may courses over the years but can honestly say that this was the best - presenting a massive amount of information whilst gradually building our confidence and ability to tackle the seemingly impossible . The two days were enjoyable and I can't wait to put my new skills to good use. Cheers & good luck.
I attended the 2 day plastering course during which I learnt a lot of valuable information that has helped me carry out plastering jobs to a high standard, including skimming a hall, stairs & landing, boarding & skimming a brick fireplace & boarding & skimming a brick extension. I found the instructors very helpful & patient as they guided me through every step. I would advise anyone that needs any plastering doing to attend this course & give it a go themselves as I think they would be surprised how much you can learn in 2 days. Thanks again.
Fabulous, truly amazing - from complete novice to confidently competent DIY plasterer in two days! I can recommend this course to anyone who wants to plaster a wall and ceiling or two of their own - on their own. I was a little apprehensive prior to the course, wondering whether two days would be enough to gain the knowledge and practical skills involved. Have no worries, two days is all you need. The excellent tuition, though explanation, demonstration and practice on a bay of purpose built walls of your own, enables you to fully implement the techniques required. The instructors are experienced, expert plasterers in their own right, yet they understand and acknowledge a 'novices' capabilities. You are taken through a number of 'step' processes which all but guarantee a successful finish. I was really surprised and very proud of my own achievements. There were four other people attending the same course & we all achieved professional looking finished plastered walls and ceilings.
Hello everyone, my apologies for taking so long to write and say a huge thank you for the plastering course the other week ( wait a minute , I paid you , you should be thanking me !!!!!!) ! Seriously, It was very well done ! Lots of time taken with the individual! And I did pick up quite a lot , anyway I've just had my first chance to put your good work into practice . Not a huge job but most of the walls turned out fine.
Thanks for everything. As you can see from the pictures me Dave & I have finished the upstairs in 2 days! Walls repaired and skimmed and even done the ceiling. I thought I'd need to paper over everything before I did the course but they've come out better than I imagined so I'm just going to paint them. My wife's well fussy but couldn't believe what a good job we've done. Thanks again, best money I've ever spent.
Hi Lads, Just like to let you know, even though I've been plastering for a firm for 3 years now, I found the course worthwhile & very helpful. It just goes to show you can always learn more & better ways of doing things. The way Mark teaches is very clear & exact, making it easy to understand & put into practice whether you've had a go before or not. Thanks again, it was brilliant.
Aaron Houghton
I am just writing to say how much I enjoyed the plastering course that I attended last week. All the help, practical guidance & information you gave me will be most helpful in combating some of the damp proofing problems that exist in the house. I thought the sessions were brilliantly run & I would have no hesitation in recommending your course to any of my friends. Many thanks
Desmond Adeley
I'd like to thank you for the course I attended last week. I thought your organizational skills were efficient & well structured, the course itself surprisingly good fun & the verbal instruction well delivered & easily put into practice. In the 5 working days since going back to work, I have got back at least twice what I paid for your time. The best £280 spent in a long time, Cheers Lads.
Ian Price
Just wanted to thank you again for what can only be described as a fantastic couple of days. I`m not the sort of person who reads manuals so I was looking for an intensive course. Before attending I questioned what I could possibly gain from only 2 days and I was cynical about all the thank you letters posted on the web site. I can assure anyone thinking of attending the course that it is worth every single penny. Without any previous experience I now have the confidence/self belief to tackle my planned extension. Many thanks again
Daniel Kent
Thanks once again for the really helpful workshop. Despite finding it Physically more tiring than I had expected, I found the course really good & the standard of the finished result much better than I had expected.
Thanks for the course. I had a wonderful time and I think it was money well spent and I'm sure I will more than make it up in what I will save being able to do my jobs myself. It was a fun day and thanks to your skillful and patient tuition, I was able to more than exceed the goals I had set out to achieve.
I thoroughly enjoyed the course and was quite surprised at the ability I came away with. I have no reservations about tackling whole walls or ceilings and I'm not going to bat an eyelid at small repairs. Your tuition was always spot on, there with constructive advice and guidance and distant enough at the right times to allow us to have a go. Overall it was a thoroughly enjoyable and very worthwhile two days, I will definitely recommend it to friends or anyone looking to acquire this skill.
Thoroughly worthwhile day. Gained the confidence to carry out the work on my own property and for my own construction business. I will definately be putting the experience to good use. Thank you for the day.
Darryl Stace
I was very pleased with the progress I made and was genuinely surprised how much we covered. Thanks very much for your time and patience
Jane Fitzpatrick
We thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience and would highly recommend other plastering novices to have a go. The day was fun, extremely informative and left us feeling confident enough to plaster the walls in our garage.'
Fiona Peacock & David Fidler
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The UKs most established plastering and bricklaying classes